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There is no such thing as a day off from ministry.  Our lives are so intertwined with love for others it should simply overflow into those we come in contact with.  Christian or not christian,  day off or day on.  When working in ministry the term day off is an oxymoron.  It is a facade that holds no truth.  God uses us in our days off as much as we are used in our days on.  God is everywhere, able to work through us on our days off as well as our days on.  Ministry expands into our lives much past what we perceive to be our personal or team mission.  God is everywhere in our life enabling us to reach out to every individual we can come in contact with.

On one of our set “days off” we traveled to the Las Penitas beach near Leon.  We stayed at the Playa Roca hostel where we were able to meet several other travelers traveling through for their own various reasons.  We have found every individual to be truly interested in our reason and message of why we are here.  It is when we have brought ourselves to them that we are able to share and have an opportunity to share.  It is by listening to others with an open mind that we are able to share with others and expect them to have an open mind. 

Our mission travels with us wherever we may travel, whether it is a set mission or a designated travel or beach day.  God is with us.  Be encouraged.