
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’ve been reading about Peter a lot lately. In Scripture and through a weekly devotional. Yesterday it was explaining to me the Church Jesus came to establish. The disciples knew that church – ekklesia – was a “called-out people.” The disciples lived Church outside of the four walls that have sometimes imprisoned us. I thought it was appropriate to share this with the girls before they were sent out for their first day of scheduled ministry here in Anitgua, Guatemala. We are a called-out people!
The Lord is faithful to us especially in working with the details. It was a last minute plan to stay in Antigua for a while. We’re enjoying our days here as we wake up together for breakfast and quiet times. The ministries we’re working with are fit for the hearts of these women.
Lindsey is helping to paint an orphanage just outside of the city.
Liz and Katie are interested to help a center that serves malnourished kids and babies.
Rebekah is looking into helping with a community development program. Until she gets paperwork filed for that she’ll be helping with a school for older kids that haven’t consistently been in the education system.
Please keep praying that we are receptive to ALL God has for us during this time!
This is just a brief overview. I’m sure the girls can tell you more in their own words. More to come…