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Hermano Pedro, Antigua, Guatemala
We visited the Hermano Pedro Orphanage and Hospital near the center of town in Antigua.  There we spent our time playing with the kids with different activities depending on their level of coherence.  We played a form of baseball with bouncy balls and a broomstick and helped sweep the courtyard.  Some of the children were simply unable to communicate yet being in their presence speaking their name brought them a smile.  The kids there are mostly both mentally and physically challenged and have been discarded there by their families.  Some families simply have no understanding or care to be hospitable to their challenged children.  This is where Hermano Pedro Orphanage comes in.

The hospital is  a multi-service facility
providing a home, and care for the elderly and orphaned, the mentally challenged and
chronically ill. Over three hundred people ranging in age from a few days to over ninety
live at Hermano Pedro permanently. In addition, Hermano Pedro offers a school for the
handicapped children and a nutrition center where malnourished infants and children are
treated.  Hermano Pedro has approximately five hundred beds and cribs housing individuals with chronic disorders such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, mental retardation,
Alzheimer’s disease, polio paralysis, deafness and blindness, and senile dementia.  

12 responses to “Hermano Pedro Orphanage: Antigua, Guatemala”

  1. My mission is to place shoes on children or all persons in need My Mission trip is to Antigua on Aug. 2 2017 I need a contact at Hermano Pedro

  2. Hola. Me llamo Sydney Milligan y soy un estudiante del Centro Linguistico La Union acqui en Antigua en conexion con mi universidad en Los Estados Unidos La Universidad de Spring Arbor. Yo necesito este semestre que estoy acqui en Guatemala a completar un internado y practica para credito para mi universidad con un institucion donde yo puedo usar y practicar hablando solamente en espanol. Es posible que yo puedo hacer un internado y practica con Hermano Pedro su institucion? Yo pienso que Hermano Pedro es familiar con mi profesor Paul Nemecek, un hombre estadounidense viviendo acqui en Guatemala para servir nuestra universidad La Universidad de Spring Arbor y que algunos estudiantes de Spring Arbor son familiares y ya trabajaron en y para Hermano Pedro … si no estoy corecto en mi pensamiento, esta todavia bien, y yo espero que es posible que yo puedo completar un internado con Hermano Pedro si esta de acuerdo con su institucion.

    Gracias, y ojala que yo puedo hablar con Hermano Pedro de nuevo muy pronto.

    Sydney Milligan

    * Mi informacion para comunicacion conmigo esta acqui:

    Sydney Milligan

    Correo Electronico: [email protected]
    o [email protected]

    Numero de Telefono: (502) 3021-7032 (Telefono de Tigo de Antigua, Guatemala)

  3. Hermano Pedro is a special place to visit. The children are loving and glad to see u….I always go to see the children there when I am in Antigua less nowadays I must admit. I am always so glad to see them as they seem to be happy too. Many of the children remember me and we always have a good laugh and its a fun time for me and them. It’s pure love folks, and its rare.

  4. I will be part of a santa goodwill tour and will visit there in a month. Imagine 50 red suits showing up at your door. It is FUN.
    any advice?

  5. I visited hermano Pedro and brought donations like soap, tooth brushes, tooth paste, clothing, wipes etc yesterday. It was the best expierence just seeing a smile on the child’s face. My absolute favorite was Henry. He’s nine years old and cannot walk but loved the gently used Nike sneakers my eleven year old nephew donated. I have a dream to start a foundation for these amazing children in need. If you help please contact me. [email protected]
    My heart is in Guatemala even thoughbI live in nj two years ago I lost my child during birth on my first visit to Guatemala and this is why I want to help .
    We spend so much on materialistic items why not spend the money on a child desperatly in need.

  6. Hi Adelina my name is Marlen I was born in Guatemala City but came to the states when I was 10yrs old. My husband and I are going to Antigua in July and we will visit the orphanage. Any ideas of what would be a good thing to bring? Aside from some monitory help I would like to bring something else that would make the kids happy. Your ideas will be greatly appreciated since this will be my first time there and have no idea of what to expect. Thank you

  7. Hi, my husband and I will be in Antigua in September. What items can we bring to share with the children and others.

  8. When I went there they told me I couldn’t give the items for the children directly because they have a store where they sell the items to make money but I told them I refuse to do that I want to give the items for the children to take photos with the children giving them the items because if I cannot prove to my friends in America that I am giving the children items directly they will not be sending anything. So I was able to get in there and actually see the children and give them the items so I honestly you need to just be a little tough so you could get in there and see the kids and give them the clothing. What I suggest is toothpaste toothbrushes sanitizer baby wipes diapers if you can clothing a lot of those children are handicap so like yoga pants T-shirts hair items for the little girls. Also there are some children that do not need diapers so they can wear underwear so maybe some underwear definitely socks any used sneakers and if you can make a collection from your friends from use items that would work you need to Messerli bring a new items everything and anything is appreciated everybody is so sweet it just is the most of fulfilling thing you can do. I am not Guatemalan but after losing my baby Marina two years ago at a hospital in Guatemala my dream is to start my own foundation so I can help these children it is so good to know that there still people out there like you guys willing to help

  9. I am visiting antigua soon. What could I bring of use to donate ?
    Could I visit the orphanage? Could I help in any way. I do not speak Spanish.