My name is Rebekah Whitaker and I am a senior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. My major is Spanish, and in just a couple of months, I will be a college graduate!! I’m not sure what comes next after graduation, but I know that God will show me in time. After all, if we knew the whole plan, why would we have to trust Him? 😉 Aside from school, I work at Dreamland BBQ in downtown Birmingham. I’ve always waited tables, and I can definitely say this is my favorite place to work. From the food to my co-workers, everything is fantastic!
I’m 1/4 Mexican, and God has given me a passion for Hispanics of every nationality. I love love love Spanish, and I’ve been blessed with an internship at the Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama (HICA). It is a wonderful non-profit organization which serves as a completely bilingual resource for immigrants in the Birmingham area. Through HICA, God has opened my eyes to the needs of Hispanics in my own backyard, and it is continually my prayer for God to use my passion for Spanish to make a difference in their lives. I’m so excited that God will be using me abroad this summer to meet the needs of His children in other countries as well!!
hey rebekah…i work with new song mission nicaragua and will be hosting your team on the land in candelaria when you come to nicaragua june 3-28….i have given you my email addess and blog…i want to get a message from you with your email address to share some things about the upcoming trip…i have read all of your team bios, other than joshua davis, and i am very excited about the musical talent and spanish speaking your group will bring us along with your selfless hearts to come serve God’s kingdom here. Hope to hear from you soon, please pass on any of your team members email addresses as well.
In Christ,
Jim Bob / Diego Norman
John 15:13
Hi Pumpkin,
Our prayers are always with you, and pray that you are doing well.
Love Daddy
…sup bracelet bud, how’s your 4th of July going? I had some good hotdog and baked beans 2day, but not very filling…:( Hope U r taking care of my bracelet…see U around town!
Hey Rebekah,
So I was surfing the internet, and then I saw your page. Ironically, I am a born again Christian. I consider myself a spiritual Christian, and definitely need to do more for the Lord. Even though we’re not saved by our works, we’re only saved by the Grace, and Blood of our Lord and Savior. Anyways, I have been talking to a lot of friends, and family, and telling them since this whole thing happened, it has really opened my eyes to first, (All the Evil in this world.) The Devil Worship, the Illuminati, the New World Order, the meaning of different symbolism, and it really was overwhelming. We really are right now, living in the time of Revelation. But what some of my friends, have been asking is whether or not I am planning on meeting someone. I told them, since the Lord has opened my eyes, I certainly want to settle down, and have children. I realize that, (Lord willing) I would make an awesome father. So I’m going through the net, then I stumbled across your profile. I’m not sure that it is the Lord saying that I’m supposed to be with you. Haha I’m over here in Phoenix, however I think the Lord wants us to be friends so I can get to know you. There is something I am supposed to know about you that is going to help strengthen my walk or maybe vice versa. Anyways when you read this, add me on Facebook. (Frank Nixx (Thats my Profile name.) phoenix,AZ.) Have a great one Becky. 🙂